I'm a photographer and journalist from the Netherlands. My stories focus on humanitarian issues, dismantling negative stereotypes, as well as conflict, its aftermath, and its long-term impact on global relations. With my work, I hope to inspire people to recognise parts of themselves in unfamiliar worlds and to relate to the characters of people who at first may seem completely different from them.
My work on the Yezidi's of Iraq was awarded a 'Tegel' in 2022, the annual Dutch price for exceptional journalism.
Currently I'm writing a book about the post-Sovjet millennials of Kyrgyzstan, which is set to be published in 2025 (in Dutch) with OverAmstel/Murrow publishers.
My work on Mosul and Afghanistan is represented by the Story Institute. For enquiries please contact: matt@instituteartist.com
If you want to support my work, you can donate here. A contribution to cover travel expenses and production costs is greatly appreciated.
My work on the Yezidi's of Iraq was awarded a 'Tegel' in 2022, the annual Dutch price for exceptional journalism.
Currently I'm writing a book about the post-Sovjet millennials of Kyrgyzstan, which is set to be published in 2025 (in Dutch) with OverAmstel/Murrow publishers.
My work on Mosul and Afghanistan is represented by the Story Institute. For enquiries please contact: matt@instituteartist.com
If you want to support my work, you can donate here. A contribution to cover travel expenses and production costs is greatly appreciated.
After visiting Afghanistan I set up a foundation to support the work of a local NGO. The social circus of MMCC helps children in Afghanistan, who have been growing up for more than 2 generations with nothing but war, to find joy again. To feel empowerment, facilitate social skills and capacity building and heal war trauma's. Learn more about my foundation on the website or watch see the video. I organised a lecture in Amsterdam about this that can be watched back here.
MO: Een nieuwe generatie Kirgiziërs op zoek naar haar eigen identiteit
Bureau Buitenland: Kirgistan: de post-Sovjet generatie
Amnesty Word Vervolgd: Durft Kazachstan te breken met ‘grote broer’ Rusland?
National Geographic Traveler: Tadzjikistan: Zwerven over het dak van de wereld (Dutch)
De Limburger Magazine: Khalid na zeven jaar terug in Irak: ‘Alles is weg, plat en grijs’
Argos (VPRO): Jezidi getuigenissen ongehoord
Eurasianet: In Tajikistan, Afghan refugees fear they’re trapped in a dead end
Eurasianet: Friday Night Fever: Salsa defies sedate Tajik capital
NPO radio 1: Spraakmakers: rol van Kirgizië en Tadzjikistan op het geopolitieke toneel
PF Fotografie magazine: De vrouwen die ISIS overleefd hebben (dutch) part of my photoseries about Yezidi women who survived ISIS captivity.
NPO radio 1: Podcast with Sinan Can on Tadzjikistan (dutch)
NPO radio 1: Bureau Buitenland zomerverhalen (dutch)
Lonely Planet: "A haunting glimpse of Kyrgyzstan's abandoned Soviet towns"
CNN: From eerie Soviet ghost towns to incredible hospitality, exploring "the Stans"
The Photographers Academy: Essay with photo's: Photography immerses you in different worlds that can change your view. Page 7-16.
Bureau Buitenland: Kirgistan: de post-Sovjet generatie
Amnesty Word Vervolgd: Durft Kazachstan te breken met ‘grote broer’ Rusland?
National Geographic Traveler: Tadzjikistan: Zwerven over het dak van de wereld (Dutch)
De Limburger Magazine: Khalid na zeven jaar terug in Irak: ‘Alles is weg, plat en grijs’
Argos (VPRO): Jezidi getuigenissen ongehoord
Eurasianet: In Tajikistan, Afghan refugees fear they’re trapped in a dead end
Eurasianet: Friday Night Fever: Salsa defies sedate Tajik capital
NPO radio 1: Spraakmakers: rol van Kirgizië en Tadzjikistan op het geopolitieke toneel
PF Fotografie magazine: De vrouwen die ISIS overleefd hebben (dutch) part of my photoseries about Yezidi women who survived ISIS captivity.
NPO radio 1: Podcast with Sinan Can on Tadzjikistan (dutch)
NPO radio 1: Bureau Buitenland zomerverhalen (dutch)
Lonely Planet: "A haunting glimpse of Kyrgyzstan's abandoned Soviet towns"
CNN: From eerie Soviet ghost towns to incredible hospitality, exploring "the Stans"
The Photographers Academy: Essay with photo's: Photography immerses you in different worlds that can change your view. Page 7-16.

Interview NPO Radio 1 Spraakmakers

Argos/human. Korte video

Argos/Human. Korte video

Argos radioreportage

Argos radioreportage