The resistance movement of the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan is based in Iraqi Kurdistan. Kurds have long been suppressed and persecuted in Iran which resulted in the foundation of this party in 1945. Still Kurds don't have basic human rights and are treated as 3rd grade citizens, not participating as a human in the society of Iran. These are the training camps where new recruits who just came from Iran are trained before they officially join the Peshmerga, which is how Kurdish resistance fighters are called (as well as the Kurdish armed forces). As Iranian agents try to infiltrate the party, a thorough background check of every recruit is required. The party is banned and labelled a terrorist organisation in Iran which is why they are based and trained in the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan, the only safe haven for Kurds. In Iran they have to operate underground and in secret in the mountains and villages.

Besides military and physical training, recruits also have to attend classes about politics, history, diplomacy and public speaking for example. Political knowledge plays an important role and recruits are expected to be up to date on politics of surrounding countries but also of Europe and US policy, political systems and how the international community acts.

Recruits drinking tea together after attending a lesson about public speaking.